DODO V3 集成指南
DODO V3 部署的合约地址#
DODO V3 子图地址#
关于路由,每个DODO V3都可以看作是一个多资产池,每种资产在USD中独立标价。对于每种资产,都有两条曲线:
- 买入曲线(做市商买入、用户卖出)
- 卖出曲线(做市商卖出、用户买入)
当用户要求将A代币换成B代币时,实际的价格计算如下:A换成VUSD + VUSD换成B。这里的VUSD是一种仅用于估值目的的虚拟USD,不代表实际的代币。
- 对于代币A的卖出曲线,代币A → VUSD,基准是代币A,计价是VUSD
- 对于代币A的买入曲线,VUSD → 代币A,基准是VUSD,计价是代币A
此外,由于价格的上下限由做市商设置,每个曲线中标价的一方都是虚拟代币VUSD。只能买入或卖出真正的代币。因此,曲线始终保持R > 1,意味着B < B0。因此,不再需要Q、Q0或相关参数,也无需重设目标。
fromToken → VUSD → toToken
- 我们使用PMMPricing._querySellQuote来计算fromToken的买入曲线
- 我们使用PMMPricing._querySellQuote来计算toToken的卖出曲线
function sellToken(
address to,
address fromToken,
address toToken,
uint256 fromAmount,
uint256 minReceiveAmount,
bytes calldata data
) external poolOngoing nonReentrant returns (uint256) {
require(ID3Maker(state._MAKER_).checkHeartbeat(), Errors.HEARTBEAT_CHECK_FAIL);
(uint256 payFromAmount, uint256 receiveToAmount, uint256 vusdAmount, uint256 swapFee, uint256 mtFee) =
querySellTokens(fromToken, toToken, fromAmount);
require(receiveToAmount >= minReceiveAmount, Errors.MINRES_NOT_ENOUGH);
_transferOut(to, toToken, receiveToAmount);
// external call & swap callback
IDODOSwapCallback(msg.sender).d3MMSwapCallBack(fromToken, fromAmount, data);
// transfer mtFee to maintainer
_transferOut(state._MAINTAINER_, toToken, mtFee);
IERC20(fromToken).balanceOf(address(this)) - state.balances[fromToken] >= fromAmount,
// record swap
uint256 toTokenDec = IERC20Metadata(toToken).decimals();
_recordSwap(fromToken, toToken, vusdAmount, Types.parseRealAmount(receiveToAmount + swapFee, toTokenDec));
require(checkSafe(), Errors.BELOW_IM_RATIO);
emit Swap(to, fromToken, toToken, payFromAmount, receiveToAmount, swapFee, mtFee, 0);
return receiveToAmount;
/// @notice user could query sellToken result deducted swapFee, assign fromAmount
/// @return payFromAmount fromToken's amount = fromAmount
/// @return receiveToAmount toToken's amount
/// @return vusdAmount fromToken bid vusd
/// @return swapFee dodo takes the fee
function querySellTokens(
address fromToken,
address toToken,
uint256 fromAmount
) public view returns (uint256 payFromAmount, uint256 receiveToAmount, uint256 vusdAmount, uint256 swapFee, uint256 mtFee) {
require(fromAmount > 1000, Errors.AMOUNT_TOO_SMALL);
Types.RangeOrderState memory D3State = getRangeOrderState(fromToken, toToken);
uint256 fromTokenDec = IERC20Metadata(fromToken).decimals();
uint256 toTokenDec = IERC20Metadata(toToken).decimals();
uint256 fromAmountWithDec18 = Types.parseRealAmount(fromAmount, fromTokenDec);
uint256 receiveToAmountWithDec18;
( , receiveToAmountWithDec18, vusdAmount) =
PMMRangeOrder.querySellTokens(D3State, fromToken, toToken, fromAmountWithDec18);
receiveToAmount = Types.parseDec18Amount(receiveToAmountWithDec18, toTokenDec);
payFromAmount = fromAmount;
receiveToAmount = receiveToAmount > state.balances[toToken] ? state.balances[toToken] : receiveToAmount;
uint256 swapFeeRate = D3State.fromTokenMMInfo.swapFeeRate + D3State.toTokenMMInfo.swapFeeRate;
swapFee = DecimalMath.mulFloor(receiveToAmount, swapFeeRate);
uint256 mtFeeRate = D3State.fromTokenMMInfo.mtFeeRate + D3State.toTokenMMInfo.mtFeeRate;
mtFee = DecimalMath.mulFloor(receiveToAmount, mtFeeRate);
return (payFromAmount, receiveToAmount - swapFee, vusdAmount, swapFee, mtFee);
// use fromToken bid curve and toToken ask curve
function querySellTokens(
Types.RangeOrderState memory roState,
address fromToken,
address toToken,
uint256 fromTokenAmount
) internal view returns (uint256 fromAmount, uint256 receiveToToken, uint256 vusdAmount) {
// contruct fromToken state and swap to vUSD
uint256 receiveVUSD;
PMMPricing.PMMState memory fromTokenState = _contructTokenState(roState, true, false);
receiveVUSD = PMMPricing._querySellQuoteToken(fromTokenState, fromTokenAmount);
receiveVUSD = receiveVUSD > fromTokenState.BLeft ? fromTokenState.BLeft : receiveVUSD;
// construct toToken state and swap from vUSD to toToken
PMMPricing.PMMState memory toTokenState = _contructTokenState(roState, false, true);
receiveToToken = PMMPricing._querySellQuoteToken(toTokenState, receiveVUSD);
receiveToToken = receiveToToken > toTokenState.BLeft ? toTokenState.BLeft : receiveToToken;
// oracle protect
uint256 oracleToAmount = ID3Oracle(, toToken, fromTokenAmount);
require(oracleToAmount >= receiveToToken, Errors.RO_ORACLE_PROTECTION);
return (fromTokenAmount, receiveToToken, receiveVUSD);
tokenState.BLeft = askOrNot
? tokenState.BMaxAmount - tokenMMInfo.cumulativeAsk
: tokenState.BMaxAmount - tokenMMInfo.cumulativeBid;
- PMMPricing._querySellQuoteToken(
function _querySellQuoteToken(PMMState memory state, uint256 payQuoteAmount)
returns (uint256 receiveBaseAmount)
receiveBaseAmount = _RAboveSellQuoteToken(state, payQuoteAmount);
function _RAboveSellQuoteToken(PMMState memory state, uint256 payQuoteAmount)
returns (
uint256 receiveBaseToken
- i = 做市商设定的最低价格,可读
- B0 = 根据i,amount(做市商设定的最大卖出数量,可读),p_up(做市商设定的最高价格,可读)和k计算得出
- B = B0 - cumulativeAmount(当前交易量,可读)
- k = 做市商设定的参数k,可读
The derivation of the formula for B0 is:
P_{up} = i(ONE-k+k(\frac{B_{0}}{B_{0}-A})^{2})
\frac {P_{up} + i * k - ONE* i }{i*k} = (\frac{B_{0}}{B_{0}-A})^{2}
\sqrt{\frac{P_{up} + i * k - ONE * i}{i * k} }= (\frac{B_{0}}{B_{0}-A})
(B_{0}-A)\sqrt{\frac{P_{up} + i * k - ONE * i}{i * k} }= B_{0}
B_{0}= A + \frac{A}{\sqrt{\frac{P_{up} + i * k - ONE * i}{i * k} }-1}
B_up = i(ONE - k + k*(B0 / B0 - amount)^2), record amount = A
(B_up + i*k - ONE *i) / i*k = (B0 / B0 - A)^2
B0 = A + A / (sqrt((B_up + i*k - ONE*i) / i*k) - 1)
The corresponding code is:
// P_up = i(1 - k + k*(B0 / B0 - amount)^2), record amount = A
// (P_up + i*k - i) / i*k = (B0 / (B0 - A))^2
// B0 = A + A / (sqrt((P_up + i*k - i) / i*k) - 1)
// i = priceDown
function _calB0WithPriceLimit(
uint256 priceUp,
uint256 k,
uint256 i,
uint256 amount
) internal pure returns (uint256 baseTarget) {
// (P_up + i*k - i)
// temp1 = PriceUp + DecimalMath.mul(i, k) - i
// temp1 price
// i*k
// temp2 = DecimalMath.mul(i, k)
// temp2 price
// (P_up + i*k - i)/i*k
// temp3 = DecimalMath(temp1, temp2)
// temp3 ONE
// temp4 = sqrt(temp3 * ONE)
// temp4 ONE
// temp5 = temp4 - ONE
// temp5 ONE
// B0 = amount + DecimalMath.div(amount, temp5)
// B0 amount
if (k == 0) {
baseTarget = amount;
} else {
uint256 temp1 = priceUp * ONE + i * k - i * ONE;
uint256 temp2 = i * k;
uint256 temp3 = DecimalMath.div(temp1, temp2);
uint256 temp5 = DecimalMath.sqrt(temp3) - ONE;
require(temp5 > 0, Errors.RO_PRICE_DIFF_TOO_SMALL);
baseTarget = amount + DecimalMath.div(amount, temp5);
Oracle Protection#
- Call Oracle's priceSources and getPrice functions. The function parameters are both token addresses, to retrieve the following parameters for each token:
- isWhiteListed, equivalent to isFeasible
- priceTolerance (unit is 1e18)
- priceDecimal
- tokenDecimal
- token price, referred to as tokenPrice
- The formula for calculating maxReceive off the chain is:
(fromAmount * getPrice(fromToken)) / getPrice(toToken),
DecimalMath.mul(fromTlr, toTlr)
//其中, fromTlr = fromtoken的priceTolerance, toTlr = toToken的priceTolerance
// DecimalMath.mul(a, b) = a * b / (10**18)
// DecimalMath.div(a, b) = a * (10**18) / b;
In the new v3, a transaction will incur a fee, which is a certain percentage of the toToken. The fee is divided into two parts: lpFee, which is collected by the liquidity provider, and mtFee, which is collected by DODO. These fees are collectively recorded as swapFeeRate, where swapFee = lpFee + mtFee, and swapFeeRate = lpFeeRate + mtFeeRate. To facilitate adjustments by liquidity providers, the swapFee parameter is tied to each token. Each token has a swapFeeRate, and during the transaction process, the total fee rate for the transaction from token A to token B is calculated as the sum of token A's swapFeeRate and token B's swapFeeRate. The feeRate unit is 1e18, which means that if swapFeeRate = 1e17, the actual fee rate is 10%.
Based on the code in Part 1, in D3MM, the receiveAmount is obtained by comparing querySellTokens with the actual balance of the pool. The transaction fee collected is swapFee = receiveAmount * (swapFeeRate_A + swapFeeRate_B). The actual receiveAmount that the user can receive is receiveAmount' = receiveAmount - swapFee.
Collateral Rate Check#
For pools that borrow funds from the vault, there is a collateral ratio check when swapping. This check ensures that the pool's collateral ratio remains healthy after the transaction occurs.
Vault code:
The original code for collateral ratio check:
require(checkSafe(), Errors.BELOW_IM_RATIO);
This check occurs in the vault because only the vault has a complete record of pool borrowings. The specific implementation is as follows:
function checkSafe(address pool) public view returns (bool) {
return getCollateralRatio(pool) > 1e18 + IM;
function getCollateralRatio(address pool) public view returns (uint256) {
uint256 collateral = 0;
uint256 debt = 0;
for (uint256 i; i < tokenList.length; i++) {
address token = tokenList[i];
AssetInfo storage info = assetInfo[token];
(uint256 balance, uint256 borrows) = getBalanceAndBorrows(pool, token);
uint256 price = ID3Oracle(_ORACLE_).getPrice(token);
if (balance >= borrows) {
collateral += min(balance - borrows, info.maxCollateralAmount).mul(info.collateralWeight).mul(price);
} else {
debt += (borrows - balance).mul(info.debtWeight).mul(price);
return _ratioDiv(collateral, debt);
function _ratioDiv(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) {
if (a == 0 && b == 0) {
return 1e18;
} else if (a == 0 && b != 0) {
return 0;
} else if (a != 0 && b == 0) {
return type(uint256).max;
} else {
return a.div(b);
The core is evident in the "getBalanceAndBorrows" section of the code:
function getBalanceAndBorrows(address pool, address token) public view returns (uint256, uint256) {
uint256 balance = ID3MM(pool).getTokenReserve(token);
uint256 borrows = getPoolBorrowAmount(pool, token);
return (balance, borrows);
The swap process only changes the balance, not the borrows. When swapping from A to B, the balance of A token decreases and the balance of B token increases. Therefore, you can use the getBalanceAndBorrows function to retrieve the balance and borrows beforehand, and then construct checks based on the getCollateralRatio method.
Get Parameters#
After organizing the above process, for each token, the following parameters need to be read:
- swapFeeRate
- bid:
- i_bid(p_down_bid)
- p_up_bid
- amount_bid
- cumulativeBid
- kBid
- ask:
- i_ask(p_down_ask)
- p_up_ask
- amount_ask
- cumulativeAsk
- kAsk
In v3, you can request the following two methods to retrieve all information about a token:
function getTokenMMPriceInfoForRead(
address token
returns (uint256 askDownPrice, uint256 askUpPrice, uint256 bidDownPrice, uint256 bidUpPrice, uint256 swapFee)
function getTokenMMOtherInfoForRead(
address token
returns (
uint256 askAmount,
uint256 bidAmount,
uint256 kAsk,
uint256 kBid,
uint256 cumulativeAsk,
uint256 cumulativeBid
For edge condition evaluation, the parameters to be obtained are:
vault tokenlist
// D3Vault.sol function getTokenList() external view returns (address[] memory) {
borrowing records
// D3Vault.sol function getBalanceAndBorrows(address pool, address token) public view returns (uint256 balance, uint256 borrow)
The balance of each token in this pool (note that the tokens here may not necessarily be the same as the tokens in the token list of the vault).
// D3MM.sol function getTokenReserve(address token) public view returns(uint256)
V3 pool also provides two read functions to obtain token list. These functions are available in the feature-version branch, which is the deployed version:
Get all token addresses for which the market maker has provided prices, i.e., all tokens that support price inquiries.
function getPoolTokenlist() external view returns(address[] memory)
Get all token addresses that the market maker has deposited
function getDepositedTokenList() external view returns (address[] memory)