Trading Pair Data
Trading Pair Data
The Trading Pair Data API is used to provide DODO business data. Currently, it provides the following data:
- DODO platform aggregated data
- 24 hour business counts
- DODO transaction pool data
DODO API Tutorials: Trading Pair Data API
Request Parameters#
Parameter name | Type of parameter | Description |
network | String | Network Currently must be one of: ethereum, bsc, polygon, arbitrum, aurora, boba, avalanche |
page | Number | Page number (for transaction pair pagination) |
limit | Number | Number of transaction pairs per page |
order_by | String | Sorting direction - ascending (asc) or descending (desc) |
order_direction | String | Sorting basis: volume or tvl |
Return Values#
Field Name | Type | Field Description |
totalLiquidity | String | Current TVL in the network |
volume24H | String | 24 hour trading volume |
totalFee | String | Accumulated fee income |
changeIn24H | Object | Current and 24-hour-old data |
rateOfChange | Object | Rate of change in 24 hours |
pairsCount | Number | Number of trading pairs |
poolsCount | Number | Number of pools |
pairs | Object | Pool details data Keys are baseToken address and quoteToken address, combined with an underscore _. |
pairAddress | String | Address of the trading pair's pool on DODO |
poolType | String | Type of pools |
pair | String | Pool abbreviation |
basePrice | String | BaseToken price |
quotePrice | String | QuoteToken Price |
baseSymbol | String | BaseToken abbreviation |
quoteSymbol | String | QuoteToken abbreviation |
baseAddress | String | BaseToken Address |
quoteAddress | String | QuoteToken Address |
baseFee | String | Fee for collecting baseToken (USD) |
quoteFee | String | Fee for receiving quoteToken (USD) |
baseVolume | String | baseToken 24 hour trading volume (USD) |
quoteVolume | String | quoteToken 24 hour trading volume (USD) |
baseVolumeCumulative | String | baseToken cumulative trading volume (USD) |
quoteVolumeCumulative | String | quoteToken cumulative trading volume (USD) |
baseReserve | String | baseToken supply |
quoteReserve | String | quoteToken supply |
liquidity | String | Combined liquidity for all trading pairs |
tvl | String | Combined TVL for all trading pairs |
turnover | String | 24 hour turnover rate |